The Just Judgment of God.

The bible is a love letter written by God to his children. He tells us we are loved, valued, redeemed, forgiven, and so much more. Our God loves us unconditionally. He demonstrated his love by dying. Love Gave. Along with basking in his loving kindness, we are also commanded to remember we serve a God who will one day judge the wicked.

While that doesn’t pose a threat to us who are “in Christ Jesus”, we do have a responsibility to remind outsiders about a God who will one day punish the ungodly.

Jude gives us stern warnings about the just judgment of God.

  1. Unbelief will Cost in the end (Jude 1:5)

Jesus delivered over a million people out of Egypt (Exodus 12) then destroyed an entire generation because of unbelief. The crowd saw the miraculous signs God used to deliver His people. After all they saw, it’s hard to believe, unbelief in God did them in. Unbelief always cost. What’s the lesson?

  • Signs are not enough to change a heart for God. Point unbelievers to the cross…not signs.

  • Faith in God must move pass head knowledge (belief in what we see) to heart knowledge (belief in who He is)

  • Unbelief will tie the hands of God. Mark 6:5-6

  1. Disobedience will Disconnect You (Jude 1:6)

Angels are our example. They left their position of authority assigned by God, for a demotion. Some angels rejected God for the daughters of man (Genesis 6:1). Lust and pride will move anyone away from where God has called them to be. What’s the warning?

  • Pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)

  • Lust causes us to rebel against principles, people, and God

  • Pride puffs us up, we believe God is not enough, there must be more

  1. Corruption will Condemn you (Jude 1:7)

God wiped Sodom and Gomorrah off the earth, because of sexual perversion. Following unnatural desires is a one-way street. God is patient and provides off ramps, but make no mistake, following unnatural desires is a one-way street. What’s the message?

  • God will punish wickedness (Psalm 50:21)

  • Today is the day of repentance

God is loving, kind, merciful and full of grace. He is also a God who will one day judge the wicked and ungodly. It’s better to meet him as savior than judge. Choose Christ today.

Because He Lives,



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