Peace Interrupted | Overview

I. Necessary Adjustments | vs. 3
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints


Jude is the author of the book. He’s also the brother of James and the half-brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55 & Mark 6:3). He was not an Apostle, but he did grow up in the same house as Jesus Christ. There was a time in the life of Jude (John 7:5) when he saw Christ as nothing more than a dreamer. But no longer. Jude is now a believer in Christ. What happened? He made necessary adjustments.

He writes a letter. 25 verses. On the surface it seems to be like any other ancient letter of the day (identification, recipients, greeting).

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May 01, 2022, | Peace Interrupted | Love Gave | Jude Overview

But as you read you quickly discover that peace has been interrupted. Something has changed the mind of Jude. Jude had a desire to write a word of encouragement, a feel-good message about salvation. Jude wanted to encourage the church through words of exaltation, praise, and hope. But instead, he shifts gears and tells them to contend for the faith.
Contend for the faith: That phrase raises the duties of the believer. It calls us to attention. It demands something from us. We are urged to get ready for battle.
To contend means to struggle or labor in effort for someone’s or somethings behalf. It’s labor for a noble cause. It’s effort to the point of exhaustion.

The message of Jude is simply...don’t just read this letter and pass it along, stand up and fight for the faith.

• Are you fighting for the faith? You say I didn’t sign up to fight...the Christian faith is warfare.

In verse 3 he tells them to fight for the faith. In verses 17-22 he tells them how.

Keep yourself in the love of God (21) | that’s the bottom line of what we

are called to do. The anchor of our faith is rooted in our ability to keep ourselves in the love of God

o Keep | total obedience to Him (vs 6 stay within = kept; vs. 13 reserved forever = kept)

o Keep | Away from sins that will shipwreck our faith

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May 01, 2022, | Peace Interrupted | Love Gave | Jude Overview

o Keep | We are not running along | cloud of witnesses | Hebrews 12:1 weight and sin

o Adversity is required for growth

o James 2:26 faith without works is dead
o 3 John 4-5 | I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are

walking in the truth, Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do...
o To contend for the faith, our faith must be built up. Faith grows

through adversity and trust. 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.

II. Remember you Have a Mighty Deliver | vs 24-25
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen


False teachers have crept in unaware. They have made their way past the watchful eye of the body. They are causing disturbance in the church. Some are walking away; some are doubting their faith. These false teachers Jude warns us about (vs 4) are perverting the gospel.

A false gospel is not real and is very dangerous.
A false gospel turns Christianity into a pyramid scheme. A get-rich quick program. False teachers were promising a life filled with wealth, health, and pleasure.

yourself up (20) | Faith must grow

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May 01, 2022, | Peace Interrupted | Love Gave | Jude Overview

They tied Christianity to our feelings (vs 4 ungodly people who pervert the grace of God into sensuality)
Jude reminds us that although false teachers made it pass the front door and into the pulpit God is still able to “keep” us from falling.

  • Fight for the faith like a good soldier, but know the battle is not yours it belongs to the Lord

  • All the attention shifts from our fight to our deliver

  • We are to be fully engaged in this world and fully dependent on Heaven

  • He can Keep us... Jude puts in something about our common faith after all.

    o It’s refreshing to know he’s able to keep

  • He will present us!

    o Our long awaited joy of being presented. Every Christian looks for to this event

    o Psalm 27:4 One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple

    Jarret Adams (Redeeming Justice)
    Seventeen years old and facing nearly thirty years behind bars, Jarrett Adams sought to figure out the why behind his fate.
    Sustained by his mother and aunts who brought him back from the edge of despair through letters of prayer and encouragement, Jarret was eventually exonerated, and worked his way through law school with the goal of helping those who like himself faced the legal system at its worst.

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May 01, 2022, | Peace Interrupted | Love Gave | Jude Overview

Jarret made it out and he wants others who are innocent to feel what it’s like to be free.

Jude says while we are contending one day all the fighting will cease, the day of the false prophets will be over. And those who have ran the race well, fought the good fight of faith will finally know what’s its like to be “presented before his throne with great joy!!!

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A Mother’s Love

