Our Story in a Nutshell

  • Intro/Overview:

    1. Humble Beginning

    2. Unbelievable Position

    3. Continue Blessings


  • ➢  Bottom Line:

    Jude 1:1-2

    1 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James,
    To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: 2 May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

I. Humble Beginnings | vs 1a
Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James,

The Name on the Label says it all

I read about a famous author who came to town for a visit. He wanted to remain anonymous so he disguised himself as best he could. When he arrived at his destination, he gave the driver a huge tip. The driver said, “thank you, Mr. so and so.” The author, surprised that the driver knew who it was said, “how did you know it was me?” The uber driver said, well your style of dress was different, your

May 15 2022 | Our Story in a Nutshell | Love Gave | Jude 1:1-2

speech, haircut, and the way you carried yourself gave me some clues, but your name on your luggage gave it away. The name on the label say’s it all.


Jude. What a simple way to open a letter. No fan flare, no pomp and pageantry. Jude. In the original Greek this name is Judas. We all remember Judas. Judas was the betrayer who led an angry mob to Jesus. Judas is the one who betrayed Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Judas had a price. He had a point to which he would follow Christ but no further. Judas was an apostate (someone who abandons a religious belief). Someone who walks with the Lord, enjoys the teaching, is encouraged by the songs but never receives Christ in their heart. (1 John 1:19 ...they were not of us...).

Jude opens his letter with his name, Jude, but it’s what comes next that’s humbling. He doesn’t say like Paul does in many of his letters, Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus. Jude says, Jude, a servant of Jesus.

What’s our story in two verses? It’s the story of a servant A Servant

The Greek word is Doulos, and it means a person who is legally owned by someone else. Whose entire livelihood and purpose were determined by their master. He calls him self a servant. He identifies as one who serves His Lord.

May 15 2022 | Our Story in a Nutshell | Love Gave | Jude 1:1-2

He was a willing servant.

Practice in the OT Exodus 21:5 when a slave was freed but decided to stay, he would have his ear pierced as a sign. The sign told everyone; I am forever tied to my owner. There was no turning back.

  • Are you a servant? Do you wear the chains of love for your master?

  • So many today want to be stars not servants.

    o Jude grew up with Christ but wanted it to be clear, I don’t see myself as anything but a servant.

    If one who grew up with Christ, humbles himself, what should you and I do?

    John 12:26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
    A humble Brother
    He calls himself a servant and brother of James. Who was James? James was a leader in the early church. He was considered a pillar of the church (Gal 2:9). He was well known and respected. He’s the author of the book that bears his name.

  • His only claim, I’m a servant of Christ and the brother of a famous man.

  • We should be as humble.

  • Luke 17:10 we are unworthy servants we have only done what was our duty

    We have humble beginnings; we also have an unbelievable position.

May 15 2022 | Our Story in a Nutshell | Love Gave | Jude 1:1-2

II. Unbelievable Position | 1b
1b...To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:


Triplets of Jude...
• What does it mean to a Believer? What does it mean to be a Christian?

Let me tell you what it doesn’t mean.

  • Going to church doesn’t mean you are Christian

  • Having Christian family members does not make you a believer

  • Knowing something about Christ

  • Keeping the “golden rule” do to others as you would have them do to you

    Luke 6:31

    Jude tells us what it means to be Christian. Jude can testify, I grew up in the same house and never knew Him. It can’t be as simple as going to church.

• A Christian is someone who has been called. To those who are called
o An official summons - refusal is not an option –
o B.L. We can never look at Christ and say...he would never want us

▪ (John 3:17 for God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn but to save)

o God took the initiative, He sought us.

May 15 2022 | Our Story in a Nutshell | Love Gave | Jude 1:1-2

C.S. Lewis ~ there are those who talk about searching for God. For me, that might as well talk about a muse searching for a cat.

o No-one remains the same after this call

o It’s a clean break from the past
• A Christian is also Beloved in God the Father beloved in God the Father

o We are held in great affection. o God holds us close to his heart

▪ Someone has said, such an experience is better felt than telt o He can love us no more or no less
o He loves us deeply and dearly

John 11:3 Lord the one you love (phileo) is sick • A Christian is also Kept. and kept for Jesus Christ

o Our security and safety are his concern
o Psalm 18:2 God is my rock and my fortress | we may fall on the rock,

but never off the rock
o Kept...perfect tense. Something happened in the past and continues to

happen. A better reading...and continually kept
o B.L. The grip of God is on your life
o Puritan Commentator Thomas Manton, Jesus Christ is the cabinet

in which God’s jewels are kept

May 15 2022 | Our Story in a Nutshell | Love Gave | Jude 1:1-2

We have humble beginnings; we also have an unbelievable position.

III. Continued Blessings | vs 2
May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

Our story in two verses.
We have humble beginnings, we have been called, loved and kept, finally we have continued blessings.

  • We have mercy | Eph 2:4 he’s rich in mercy. Lam. 3:23 new every morning o Mercy under girds our relationship.
    o Mercy is the foundation of our testimony

  • We have peace, | B.L. God is not at war with you

o Peace of heart | no condemnation (Romans 8:1)
o Peace of mind | we live without anxiety about tomorrow
o Peace of duty | there’s no agitation in our actions. We are free to

operate. • We have Love

o By product of the mercy and peace we received from God Conclusion How does Jude want these blessings to flow to us? By multiplication Our story does not end with us defeated and without. Here’s a blessing for our mercy peace and love to be multiplied. Ever increasing always growing.


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